The Central Bank of Russian Federation (2024)

')); var nexButton = $(''); if (firstDateExist.NextWeekExist != null) { () { LoadCursPanel(firstDateExist.NextWeekExist, valId); }); } header.append(nexButton); RootTbl.append(header); var table = $('

'); var has_first_day = true; $.each(data, function (index, k) { var tr = $('

'); var diff_color = ''; var diff_sign = ''; if (k.diff > 0) { diff_color = 'class="_red"'; diff_sign = '+'; } if (k.diff < 0) { diff_color = 'class="_green"'; } if (has_first_day & k.curs === null) { // пропускаем до первого курса (минуем понедельники) return; } has_first_day = false; tr.append($('

' + moment("ddd") + '

')); tr.append($('

' + moment("DD.MM") + '

')); tr.append($('

' + (k.curs === null ? ' — ' : number_format(k.curs, 4, ',', ' ') + '₽') + '

')); if (k.diff === null) { tr.append($('

')); } else { tr.append($('

' + diff_sign + number_format(k.diff, 4, ',', ' ') + '₽

')); } table.append(tr); }); RootTbl.append(table); RootTbl.append($('

' + (IsEng ? 'Bank of Russia official exchange rates' : 'Официальный курс Банка России') + '

')); }).fail(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { var RootTbl = $("#V_" + valId); RootTbl.empty(); var Err = xhr.statusText; RootTbl.append($("

" + (IsEng ? "Error: " + Err + ", try refresh the page" : "Ошибка: " + Err + ", попробуйте обновить страницу") + "

")); }); } function number_format(number, decimals, dec_point, separator) { number = (number + '').replace(/[^0-9+\-Ee.]/g, ''); var n = !isFinite(+number) ? 0 : +number, prec = !isFinite(+decimals) ? 0 : Math.abs(decimals), sep = (typeof separator === 'undefined') ? ',' : separator, dec = (typeof dec_point === 'undefined') ? '.' : dec_point, s = '', toFixedFix = function (n, prec) { var k = Math.pow(10, prec); return '' + (Math.round(n * k) / k) .toFixed(prec); }; s = (prec ? toFixedFix(n, prec) : '' + Math.round(n)) .split('.'); if (s[0].length > 3) { s[0] = s[0].replace(/\B(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, sep); } if ((s[1] || '') .length < prec) { s[1] = s[1] || ''; s[1] += new Array(prec - s[1].length + 1) .join('0'); } return s.join(dec); }});//]]

");}function AutoTabSelect() { $(".tab").click(function (e) { firstLoad = true; var tabid = $(this).data("tabs-tab"); $.cookie("SelectedTab", tabid, { expires: 1 }); }); if ($.cookie("SelectedTab") !== undefined) { var tabidSelect = $.cookie("SelectedTab"); var tabObj = $(".d-md-block * [data-tabs-tab='" + tabidSelect + "']"); if (tabObj.length !== 0) { tab_id = tabidSelect; //tabObj.trigger('open-tab');; //$(".tab").removeClass("_active"); //tabObj.addClass("_active"); return true; } } return false;}function LoadTab(reset) { var lang = $("meta[name='zoom:lang']").attr("content"); moment.locale(lang); pageCounter = 0; var loadPageText = 'Загрузить еще'; var IsEng = 0; if (lang === 'en') { loadPageText = 'Load more'; IsEng = 1; } var idiv = $("#events_tab" + tab_id); var vrap = idiv.parent(); if (vrap.children(".more-button").length > 0 && reset === false) return; idiv.empty(); if (reset) { News_last_day = null; } if (vrap.children(".more-button").length === 0) { var nexButton = $(''); // nexButton.hide(); vrap.append(nexButton); () { if (_PageLoadding) return; _PageLoadding = true; pageCounter++; if (tab_id === 7) { NLoadPage(idiv, pageCounter, IsEng); } else { EPLoadPage(idiv, pageCounter, IsEng, tab_id); } }); } if (tab_id === 7) { NLoadPage(idiv, 0, IsEng); } else { EPLoadPage(idiv, 0, IsEng, tab_id); } //vrap.prepend(idiv); }function EPLoadPage(idiv, page, IsEng, tab_id) { var more_button = idiv.parent().children(".more-button"); more_button.addClass("_loading"); $.ajax({ url: _EventSourceURL, data: { page: page, IsEng: (IsEng === 1), type: tab_id }, cache: false }).done(function (data) { _PageLoadding = false; more_button.removeClass("_loading"); if (data.length !== _PageSize) { more_button.hide(); } else {; } //var firstOrImportant = false; //var fo = data.filter(function (item) { // return (item.ImageId > 0 || item.ImageCId > 0); //}); //// вставляем важную новость или новость с картинкой //if (fo.length > 0 && page === 0) { // // превая строка // firstOrImportant = fo[0]; // idiv.append(MakeEventRow(fo[0], true)); // last_big = true; //} $.each(data, function (index, k) { //if (k === firstOrImportant) { // return null; //} //var MakeBig = k.BigPictureInMain; //if (last_big && MakeBig) { // last_big = false; // MakeBig = false; //}; idiv.append(MakeEventRow(k, (k.ImageId > 0 || k.ImageCId > 0) && (index == 0 && firstLoad))); firstLoad = false; //last_big = MakeBig; }); idiv.trigger('new-html'); }).fail(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { idiv.append(IsNetworkErrMsg(xhr.statusText)); _PageLoadding = false; });}function decodeType(name, IsEng) { var tpName = ''; switch (name) { case "events": tpName = IsEng ? 'News' : 'Новость'; break; case "performance": tpName = IsEng ? 'Speech' : 'Выступление'; break; case "interview": tpName = IsEng ? 'Interview' : 'Интервью'; break; case "press": tpName = IsEng ? 'Press release' : 'Пресс-релиз'; break; default: tpName = IsEng ? 'News' : 'Новость'; } return tpName;}function NLoadPage(idiv, page, IsEng, dateFrom, dateTo) { var more_button = idiv.parent().children(".more-button"); more_button.addClass("_loading"); $.ajax({ url: _NewsSourceURL, data: { page: page, IsEng: (IsEng === 1) }, cache: false }).done(function (data) { _PageLoadding = false; more_button.removeClass("_loading"); if (data.length !== _PageSize) { more_button.hide(); } else {; } //divday = $('

'); $.each(data, function (index, k) { if (News_last_day !== k.DT) { News_last_day = k.DT; divday = $('

'); dt = $('

' + moment(k.DT).format("DD MMMM YYYY") + '

'); divday.append(dt); idiv.append(divday); } var press_root = $('

'); var row = $('

'); row.append($('

' + k.dateupdate + '

')); var titleInfo = $('

' + k.name_doc.trim() + '

'); row.append(titleInfo); if (k.Important !== 0) { row.append($('

')); } press_root.append(row); if (k.MenuTitle !== null) { press_root.append($('

' + k.MenuTitle.trim() + '

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'); var bkgimg = ""; if (IsImportantRow) { bkgimg = bgRoot; if (inv_image) { if (k.ImageCId > 0) { bkgimg += k.ImageCId + fext + ');"'; } else { bkgimg += k.ImageId + '.jpg);"'; } } else { if (k.ImageId > 0) { bkgimg += k.ImageId + '.jpg);"'; } else { bkgimg += k.ImageCId + '.png);"'; } } } var news_inner = $('

'); var rtp = $('

'); rtp.append($('

' + dtm + '

' + tpName + '

')); rtp.append($('' + k.name_doc + '')); news_inner.append(rtp); if (!_NoPictInList || IsImportantRow) { var imgnode = ''); } else { if (k.ImageId > 0) { news_inner.append(imgnode + k.ImageId + '.jpg" alt="full image">'); } } } else { if (k.ImageId > 0) { news_inner.append(imgnode + k.ImageId + '.jpg" alt="full image (1)">'); } else { // елси есть кроп то еего if (k.ImageCId > 0) { news_inner.append(imgnode + k.ImageCId + '.png" alt="cropped image (1)">'); } } } } press_root.append(news_inner); return press_root;}//]]


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12.4375 ₽

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89.5159 ₽

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96.6365 ₽

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As an expert in web development and programming languages, particularly JavaScript and jQuery, I'm well-versed in analyzing and understanding code snippets like the one provided. Let's break down the concepts and functions used in the provided code:

  1. JavaScript/jQuery Functions:

    • The code utilizes various JavaScript and jQuery functions like $(''), .append(), .format(), .click(), .empty(), .fail(), .ajax(), .done(), .trigger(), .hasClass(), .show(), .hide(), .parent(), .children(), .each(), $.cookie(), moment.locale(), moment(), parseInt(), Number(), typeof, among others.
    • These functions are used for DOM manipulation, event handling, AJAX requests, and cookie handling, among other tasks.
  2. Conditional Statements and Loops:

    • The code contains conditional statements (if, else if, else) and loops ($.each()).
    • These control the flow of execution based on certain conditions and iterate over data.
  3. Variable Manipulation:

    • Variables (var) are used to store data and manipulate it throughout the code.
    • Operations like string manipulation, mathematical calculations, and boolean operations are performed on variables.
  4. AJAX Requests:

    • AJAX requests are made to fetch data from a server asynchronously without reloading the entire page.
    • The .ajax() function is used to make these requests, and .done() and .fail() are used to handle the responses.
  5. Date and Time Handling:

    • The moment.js library is used for date and time manipulation.
    • Dates are formatted using moment() with specific formats like "ddd" and "DD.MM".
    • Date comparison and manipulation are done to control the display of certain data.
  6. Error Handling:

    • Error handling is implemented using .fail() to catch any errors that occur during AJAX requests.
    • Error messages are displayed to the user in case of failures.
  7. Number Formatting:

    • The number_format() function is defined for formatting numerical values with specific precision, decimal points, and separators.
  8. Language Localization:

    • The code supports localization (English and Russian) based on the language of the page (lang).

Overall, the code snippet provided appears to be part of a web application that fetches and displays data related to exchange rates, news, and events. It's written in JavaScript/jQuery and utilizes various libraries and functions for dynamic content generation and interaction with the server.

The Central Bank of Russian Federation (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.