Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (2024)

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4.92 from 12 votes

by Lisa Longley


posted: 01/21/15

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Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (1)

by Lisa Longley


posted: 01/21/15

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Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole is the perfect definition of comfort food! A perfect weeknight dinner!Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (2)

Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (3)

You guys, I’ve had a song stuck in my head for the last few days. SO ANNOYING.

Primarily annoying . . . because I DON’T KNOW WHAT SONG IT IS!

I’m guessing that this is the definition of getting old. Having a song stuck in your head, or like the idea of a song, and not being able to actually remember the damn song.

Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (4)

So normally when this happens, and yes, I’m that old, it’s happened before. Normally when this happens, I have at least like a sequence of four or five words that I can google and get the name of the song and play it and then the incessant itching in my brain stops. But this time? No, not so much. Just the tune, sort of and like three words . . . that weren’t actually in ANY SEQUENCE!

(If it seems like I’m yelling about this it’s because I AM. I’m going all Louis Black on you.)

Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (5)

So I textedmy husband in a huff, because seriously if it was going to keep me awake at night, it had to be dealt with.

Do I have more important things that I should be doing? ABSOLUTELY.

Anyway. I texted Nathan:

“I have a song stuck in my head but I can only think of the melody and not the lyrics and I want to listen to it but I don’t know what to google. It’s making me crazy. Google needs a feature where I can hum a tune into it and then it finds the song.”

He responded:

“There’s an app for that.”

Seriously. There is.

Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (6)

That bad news?

It turns out that if I had to save my life by humming, the results would be . . . . sad.

The good news?

If I had to save my life by baking a casserole that tastes like Chicken Noodle Soup, I would be made the Queen of England.

Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (7)


Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole! The noodles are boiled in chicken stock to really deepen the flavor of the casserole and give it that traditional chicken noodle soup taste. Then I threw in some bay leaves for good measure, celery, carrots, and chicken (#duh). I made a nice roux to get it all creamy, added some cheese and baked her up. And my picky pickerson eaters crowned me the Queen of England. The End.


  • The noodles are cooked in chicken stock, I like just using chicken stock base, because it’s cheaper, so when the water for the pasta came to a boil, I just threw in like 6 teaspoons.
  • When I tell you to slowly pour in the liquid after making your roux (the point in the recipe where you’ve mixed in the flour and are about to pour in the milk), I don’t mean a slow pour, I mean approximately a tablespoon of liquid, stir it in like crazy, approximately a tablespoon more and stir some more. That’s the only way to get the bad boy to thicken.
  • Nathan hates onions, so this casserole has no onions. It should have onions. Throw in a diced smallish one with your celery and carrots.
  • Make sure to taste the sauce once you add all the milk, that way you will know how much salt and pepper to add.

If you are looking for other great casseroles to make, be sure to try this Easy Shepherd’s Pie recipe,


Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (8)

4.92 from 12 votes

Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole

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This Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole is a perfect weeknight dinner. Total comfort food.

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  • 8 oz fussilli cooked in chicken broth
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 TBSPs unsalted butter
  • 3 celery stalks diced
  • 3 medium carrots diced
  • 3 cloves garlic minced
  • 2 TBSPs all purpose flour
  • 1 cup milk I used skim
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 cups cooked shredded chicken
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella divided


  • Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. Spray a 9 by 9 casserole dish with cooking spray and set aside.

  • Cook the pasta in chicken stock with two bay leaves thrown into the water according to package directions. Drain and set aside.

  • Melt the butter over medium low heat in a large sauce pan. Add the celery, carrots and garlic to the pan. Cook until the veggies are soft and tender.

  • Add the flour to the pan, mixing it in to make a paste. Very slowly add the milk, approximately a tablespoon of milk at a time, waiting until the last bit of milk was completely combined before adding the next bit.

  • Once all the milk is mixed in, add the thyme and basil. Then season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir in the chicken, cooked noodles, and and one cup of the cheese. Pour the mixture into the greased casserole dish and top with the remaining 1/2 cup of cheese.

  • Bake for 10 minutes.

Author: Lisa Longley

Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (9)

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Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole

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Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (15)

Hi! I'm Lisa Longley, and I am committed to giving you simple dinner ideas and recipes that are easy to make; recipes that will fill your home with joy. I am the owner and author of and I'm so glad that you are here.

Reader Interactions


    • Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (16)Lisa Longley says

      Glad to hear you liked it!


  1. Jamie says

    Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (17)
    Made this and loved it. Had plenty of leftovers, since hubby and kiddos turned their noses up at it at first. (They weren’t home to experience how amazing it smelled while cooking!) But I coaxed them into trying it and they all loved it too…even the picky eater! Delish! ????


    • Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (18)Lisa Longley says

      I’m so happy your family loved it, Jamie!


  2. Kitchen Emporium says

    Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (19)
    thanks for the recipe! I like how slow cooker recipes are very easy to customize to individual preferences – like you mentioned you can choose your favorite enchilada sauce or choose to mince garlic instead of doing the powder.

    My mother and I had a better than average relationship growing up so we were somewhat close. Kiddo and I get along truly well and she converses with me about a considerable measure of things she doesn’t converse with her father (my center points) or her mother since she doesn’t see me the same as them. Her mother has disillusioned her thus there is no trust there. Thus, I am protected. I trust she will keep on feeling safe with me and trust in me since we have an awesome confiding in bond.


  3. Janine S. says

    Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (20)
    I made this on Sunday, DELICIOUS. My daughter is in Color Guard and we have a band competition this weekend and we make a ton of food the judges and directors. I’m going to make 2 trays of this. The only difference I’m going to make is 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup chicken broth to give it more of a chicken flavor. I make a pot pie and I mix the milk and broth and it’s delicious.

    TY for sharing this. Wonderful!!!


    • Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (21)Lisa Longley says

      I am so happy you liked it!


  4. LL says

    Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (22)
    This was so good! I made it with leftover spaghetti. Yum!!!


    • Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (23)Lisa Longley says

      I’m so happy you liked it!


  5. Sandra says

    Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (24)
    final product was really good, but I had to add lots of extra moisture. Your recipe said to drain the pasta, but didn’t say anything about saving the broth, so I threw it out. After adding the flour to the veggies it was way too dry after adding the 1 1/2 cup of milk. So I added an extra cup of milk, then about 2 cups of broth, and then more milk to make it moist enough.
    BTW- I made a 1 1/2 batch recipe of it to feed my family, so my portions were increased right away when I made it.


  6. Angelina says

    This sounds exactly like what I was looking for….the delicious flavor & comfort of Chicken Soup, but w/o all the work. I have one concern after reading Sandra’s review. Will this casserole turn out kind of dry? Should I make more sauce? Also, how do you exactly measure 8 oz. of dry pasta – by weight, or by volume? Thank you. I’m very anxious to try this casserole.


  7. Katherine says

    Hi! How many does this feed?


    • Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (26)Lisa Longley says

      That is such a hard question to answer as serving sizes vary. I would say that this is enough to feed six hungry adults.


  8. Heather says

    Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (27)
    This recipe was awesome and easy! I added diced onions to the pot with the other veggies and frozen peas towards the end of sautéing. I love that it’s kind of a flexible recipe that way!


    • Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (28)Lisa Longley says

      I’m so glad you liked it!


  9. Heather says

    Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (29)
    It was delicious. Thank you! We had carrots, celery, & shredded chicken to use up. Perfect comfort food!


    • Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (30)Lisa Longley says

      I’m so glad you liked it!


Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole Recipe | Wine & Glue (2024)


How do you thicken homemade chicken noodle soup? ›

Add Flour Or Cornstarch

Instead, ladle a small amount of broth into a separate bowl and let it cool. Add a few tablespoons of flour or cornstarch to the bowl and whisk until it's blended smooth. Next, bring the soup to a simmer and add the mixture back to the pot. Pro tip: Don't dump in the entire mixture at once.

How to make chicken noodle soup out of a can better? ›

Start by melting a little butter in a pan and add some fresh herbs like ground pepper, oregano, thyme, and basil. Mix the sauteed herbs into the broth to add flavor to a boring canned soup. You can also toss a sprig of rosemary or fresh sage into the pot while you heat up the soup.

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Not only does acid brighten your soup, but also balance the flavor including the saltiness that comes from the broth (store-bought chicken broth and stock, or bouillon, are typically high in sodium).

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A chicken noodle soup is a mixture. It is a mixture of noodles, vegetables, chicken in water and cornstarch. It is a mixture as all the components can be identified separately and retain their taste. Moreover, it is a heterogeneous mixture as all the components are not mixed uniformly.

Is it better to thicken soup with flour or cornstarch? ›

It's important to note that cornstarch has twice the thickening power of flour. If you need to substitute cornstarch to thicken liquid in a recipe that calls for ¼ cup (four tablespoons) flour, you only need two tablespoons cornstarch.

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About this method: One of the most common ways to thicken sauces and soups is with a starch-based slurry, and cornstarch is a popular choice. Cornstarch is flavorless, easy to mix up, and versatile, which makes it a go-to pantry ingredient.

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Foods that have a great deal of acidity, like lemon juice, vinegar, white wine, and tomato puree, can help liven up the flavor of bland-tasting bone and other broths. "The acidity of these ingredients works to complement and enhance the broth's flavors, not mask it.

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For a deeply flavorful chicken soup, get some boneless, skinless chicken thighs, season them, brown them in a skillet, then finish them in a 375 F oven. You can refrigerate them until you're ready to make the soup, then simply dice them up and add them to the soup at the very end.

What can I add to Campbell's chicken noodle soup to make it taste better? ›

The good news is all of the most popular canned soups in America can be made to taste better with a few simple hacks. That starts with adding aromatics like garlic, ginger, or onions, to the mix, along with an extra helping of spices from basic salt and pepper to curry powders from different regions.

Why do you put vinegar in chicken soup? ›

Whether it's white wine or vinegar, a touch of acid added to the simmering pot will create a richer finished product. That's because acid helps break down the cartilage and other connective tissues in the bones of the chicken, which helps speed up the formation of gelatin in the stock.

How long do you leave chicken soup on the stove? ›

The chicken is ready as soon as the meat registers 165°F and easily falls off the bone, after about 1 1/2 hours, but you can continue simmering for up to 3 hours for richer flavor — just keep an eye out that the chicken doesn't start to disintegrate or turn the soup cloudy.

What is the liquid in chicken soup called? ›

Chicken broth is the liquid part of chicken soup. Broth can be served as is, or used as stock, or served as soup with noodles. Broth can be milder than stock, does not need to be boiled as long, and can be made with meatier chicken parts. Chicken bouillon or bouillon de poulet is the French term for chicken broth.

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Soups have four main parts - a liquid base, a thickening agent, main ingredients, and a garnish. There are many types of soups classified by consistency and ingredients, such as thin and thick soups, cream soups, pureed soups, and specialty soups from different cultures.

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Mixtures can be classified on the basis of particle size into three different types: solutions, suspensions, and colloids. The components of a mixture retain their own physical properties. These properties can be used to separate the components by filtering, boiling, or other physical processes.

What is a thickening agent for chicken soup? ›

Cornstarch is a great option as it is a natural thickening agent, but you'll want to be careful about how much you use. Start with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch whisked together with cold water to create a slurry. Then, gradually add the slurry to the soup, letting it boil for one to two minutes before adding more.

Does soup get thicker the longer you cook it? ›

Many home cooks find themselves wondering how to thicken a soup, and there are a few different ways: cooking the soup longer to remove excess liquid, blending some of the solid ingredients of the soup, or using food scraps like bread or potatoes to thicken the soup, but if you don't have time to wait, you can use a ...

How much cornstarch to thicken chicken soup? ›

Whisk together equal parts cornstarch (or arrowroot) and water or broth, then whisk it into the pot of soup. A good ratio to get to a pleasant thickness without your soup tasting goopy or heavy is one tablespoon. slurry to 4 cups of soup.

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